Iceland - 4th - 8th March 2022

Friday, 31 January 2025

Long-staying winterers


Grey, drizzly and little sunshine for most people in Northamptonshire today!

The Glossy Ibis continued to delight visitors to Summer Leys LNR, the Great Northern Diver was still at Pitsford Reservoir, this time not far south from the causeway and two Hawfinches were seen again in Cottesbrooke village. Potentially all these birds have been here since November!

The Ruddy Shelduck was again at Winwick Pools today and Eyebrook Reservoir showed off with six drake Smew.

The last day of the month saw a Jack Snipe at Stanford Reservoir and a Great White Egret and there were two Great White Egrets again in the Nene Valley between Cogenhoe Mill and Billing Lake.

Blackcaps continue to visit county gardens, with one finally turning up in Jim's garden at Sywell and Steve enjoying his daily individual in Brixworth plus a Lesser Redpoll today on the feeders.

A female Merlin was over Milton Malsor early this afternoon and birds at Harrington Airfield this afternoon included a Barn Owl, three Woodcock and twenty-seven Golden Plovers.

Two Grey Wagtails and thirty Yellowhammers were in the Brampton Valley below Brixworth with two Green Sandpipers, two Little Egrets and two Grey Wagtails on wet fields in the valley below Hanging Houghton. Two Barn Owls were also there as were two Short-eared Owls stubbornly remaining on private land near Blueberry Farm, Maidwell.


Neil M

Red Fox...and can you
spot the Stonechat?
Images courtesy of
Tony Stanford.

Tawny Owl courtesy
of Tony Stanford.

Male Blackcap courtesy
of Jim Dunkley.

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