Iceland - 4th - 8th March 2022

Tuesday, 21 January 2025

Ditchford WeBS count


Much of the day was spent completing a waterbird census at part of the Ditchford Pits complex. Although initially murky the weather came good with some weak sunshine and dry conditions.

Birds east of Ditchford Lane included three Great White Egrets, ten Little Egrets, a Kingfisher, a Goosander, six Common Snipe, a Water Rail, two Chiffchaffs, four Redpolls and at least three Grey Wagtails. West of Ditchford Lane there were three more Great White Egrets, two Little Egrets, two Egyptian Geese, a drake Pintail, two Goosanders, a Water Rail, a Jack Snipe, thirteen Common Snipe, an Oystercatcher, four Cetti's Warblers and a Stonechat. A Cattle Egret flew west towards Wellingborough at 12.40pm.

At Earls Barton Pits today the Glossy Ibis was on the Summer Leys LNR and a Whooper Swan was initially on the reserve and moved to Hardwater Lake. Other birds included three Great White Egrets, two Goosanders, ten Golden Plovers, a Cetti's Warbler and a mixed flock of Siskin and Redpoll.

At Cogenhoe Mill Alan found six Ring-necked Parakeets, a Green Sandpiper, a Grey Wagtail and several Chiffchaffs and the adult White-fronted Goose was still at Whiston Pits.

Two more Goosanders were at Harlestone Lake this afternoon and birds at Stanford Reservoir were two Great White Egrets, two Water Rails and two Ravens and another Raven was noted at Kelmarsh. 

Six Smew and a Scaup remained at Eyebrook Reservoir today.


Neil M

Great Crested Grebe.

Female Chaffinch.


Common Buzzard.

Images courtesy of
Tony Stanford.

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