Iceland - 4th - 8th March 2022

Thursday, 9 January 2025

A cold night ahead


A cold day with temperatures struggling to rise above freezing despite some lovely winter sunshine and some especially cold temperatures tonight and tomorrow morning.

The Common Guillemot wasn't reported at Eyebrook Reservoir today but a Scaup and four drake Smew were present.

Two Whooper Swans were at Stanford Reservoir this afternoon plus a Great White Egret, five Goosanders, a Water Rail, a Stonechat and three Chiffchaffs.

The Glossy Ibis was still at Summer Leys LNR as were three Great White Egrets and pairs of Peregrines were in situ at two urban sites in the county.

The two Short-eared Owls remain on private land not far from Blueberry Farm, Maidwell and a Barn Owl, fifty Skylarks and two Grey Wagtails were in the Brampton Valley below Hanging Houghton with another Grey Wagtail in the valley below Brixworth.

At Harrington Airfield there were nine Grey Partridges, at least sixty Yellowhammers, at least eighty Skylarks and both Common Buzzard and Red Kite were attracted to a Red Fox corpse.

An adult Yellow-legged Gull was in the gull roost at Pitsford Reservoir and there were single Ravens both there and at Hanging Houghton. Four Tree Sparrows were noted at Pitsford's Old Scaldwell Road Feeding Station.

A pair of Stonechats were at Towcester, a Goosander was at Abington Park, Northampton and seven Goosanders and a Great White Egret were at Daventry Country Park.

The two White-fronted Geese were still at Ravensthorpe Reservoir today where two Egyptian Geese and a Woodcock were also seen and the Ruddy Shelduck was still at Winwick Pools.


Neil M

Marsh Tit.

Great Tit.

Song Thrush courtesy
of Tony Stanford.

Great White Egret courtesy
of Tony Stanford.

Long-tailed Tit courtesy
of Robin Gossage.

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