Iceland - 4th - 8th March 2022

Wednesday, 6 March 2019

Ringing Recoveries


A couple more ringing returns have filtered through recently:-

A juvenile Robin was caught and ringed at Harrington Airfield on 29th August 2018 and was found dead in the small village of Orton on 21st February this year. A young bird that had pretty much survived it's first winter seems to have fallen at the last hurdle to make it through to the spring. The bird only travelled about four km from it's ringing site;

A juvenile Reed Warbler was caught and ringed at Linford Lakes, Milton Keynes on 9th July 2017 and was caught again in a mist net at Paul do Taipal, Coimbra, Portugal on 18th August 2018, a distance between the two sites of 1456km. Of course in between then this young bird would have wintered successfully in Africa during the 2017/18 winter and was on it's way again for the 2018/2019 winter. Records indicate that if they survive their first winter Reed Warblers tend to be long-lived birds with numerous trips back and forth between Europe and Africa.

A young female Goldfinch was caught and ringed at Hanging Houghton in November 2018 and it seems remained in the area and probably taking advantage of garden feeders until caught and brought in by a cat in the same village in February this year, a familiar story for many small birds and another risk associated with visiting gardens where the main predators are cats.


Neil M 


Reed Warbler.


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