Iceland - 4th - 8th March 2022

Sunday, 2 December 2018

Bird Club Indoor Meeting 5th Dec


'A journey through the birth and evolution of Britain's first Bird Observatory with the current wardens of Skokholm Island' is the subject of Wednesday's evening presentation at the Northants Bird Club.

Giselle Eagle and Richard Brown will be the presenters at the Fishing Lodge, Pitsford Reservoir, Brixworth Road, Holcot. The meeting begins at 7.30pm and of course hot drinks and biscuits will be available.

The tiny island of Skokholm off the Pembrokeshire coast supports thousands of breeding sea-birds, most notably Manx Shearwater, Puffin and Storm Petrel and for about nine months of the year is managed as a Bird Observatory. Giselle and Richard will provide a taster of what life as an islander is all about and of course the wildlife that inhabits this very special place.

All welcome!

Neil M


Manx Shearwater.

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