Iceland - 4th - 8th March 2022

Sunday, 29 May 2016

Ringing at Stortons GP


John Woollett and his merry team of ringers were active at Stortons Gravel Pits this morning, netting about 27 birds the majority of which were new. An adult male Green Woodpecker was a pleasant change and other birds included seven Reed Warblers, five Sedge Warblers, two Garden Warblers, a Bullfinch and a Song Thrush. A re-trap Whitethroat was interesting inasmuch that it was first captured on-site in 2011 and subsequently in 2012 and 2014. An excellent example of site fidelity from a bird that spends its winter south of the Sahara!

The Cuckoo from last week was still about and a couple of broods of tits in the boxes were old enough to ring (Blue Tits and Great Tits).

A Spotted Flycatcher was at Scotland Wood this afternoon, Blueberry Farm hosted a singing Grasshopper Warbler and a Hobby and birds in the Brampton Valley below Hanging Houghton amounted to a Kingfisher and a Barn Owl.


Neil M

Male Green Woodpecker.

Reed Warbler nest and eggs.

Images courtesy of Chris Payne.

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