Iceland - 4th - 8th March 2022

Monday, 19 October 2015

Blueberry pm

This afternoon I spent a couple of very pleasant hours meandering around the southern most fields of the Blueberry Farm area. 

It was a stunningly beautiful autumn afternoon, warm sunshine, intricate cloud formations, rich golds/browns of the fallen leaves and the air buzzing with the chattering of finches and thrushes. Definitely my favourite time of the year.

I didn't walk very far, but simply stood or sat and watched the wildlife around me. The hedges and fields were certainly alive with birds so there was no shortage of birds to look at and enjoy. 
The sheer number of passerines attracted the attention of both a female Merlin and female Peregrine who both caused panic and chaos, but neither appeared to catch anything.

Passerines included a pair of Stonechat, Chiffchaff, Tree Sparrows, 2+ Brambling and 10+ Siskin.  There was also a flock of approx 100 Goldfinches and literally hundreds of Fieldfares.

Prior to leaving two Short Eared Owls started to fly around and at times they were quite vocal which I suspect indicated that they had just arrived.  I wonder if they were the same two birds which I had seen at Harrington earlier today?

Neil managed a brief visit to the north end of Blueberry Farm and saw a Barn Owl and Grey Partridge.......told him that he should have come with me !!!

Regards Eleanor

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