Iceland - 4th - 8th March 2022

Saturday, 22 August 2015

Common Tern Trail Camera


During the breeding year of 2014, the tern rafts at Pitsford Reservoir were well populated by Common Terns but they seemed to suffer egg and chick predation to the degree that few youngsters successfully fledged. It was thought that they lost eggs to the pair of Oystercatcher that were also on the same rafts and possibly from big gulls. It is possible that chicks were being lost to a female Sparrowhawk that was seen inspecting the rafts on one occasion.

During this year there was again a good take-up from the terns and the pair of Oystercatcher were present again. Although there was some egg predation it was less than last year and there was little if any chick predation.

Dave Francis deployed a trail camera on the rafts this year to try and prove what might be responsible. No images of predation were recorded but the following images depict life on the rafts and the progress of the chicks...


Neil M

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