Iceland - 4th - 8th March 2022

Sunday, 4 January 2015

Northants Bird Club Indoor Meeting


This is a reminder to members and an invite to non-members to attend the next Northants Bird Club Indoor Meeting this coming Wednesday 7th January at the Fishing Lodge, Pitsford Water, Brixworth Road, Holcot, NN6 9SJ. 

Please be seated by 7.30pm and prepare to be presented to by Dr Mark Avery on his talk entitled 'Fighting for Birds: from Passenger Pigeons to Hen Harriers'.

Mark is a particularly articulate and knowledgeable presenter, someone who seems to be able to grasp the politics as well as the passion associated with our disappearing natural world. He is prepared to fight the cause for nature conservation and provide the platform for others to be so inspired. Mark is an author of several books on this and allied subjects and will be bringing a small selection for purchase on the night.

As always, hot drinks and biscuits will be available on the night and parking is available around the Lodge with an overflow facility being by the fishing boats by the shoreline or on the parking areas of the causeway. This is likely to be a popular meeting and I would advise an early arrival for the best seats!


Neil M

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