Iceland - 4th - 8th March 2022

Thursday, 18 September 2014

Fineshade Wood - renewed application

Hello again

Things have been moving quite fast in the last couple of weeks so there's a lot to report... and I'm afraid we need to ask for your help again.

First the good news... the Glamping Pod application at Top Lodge. The East Northants Council Planning Officer has recommended that councillors REFUSE this application. She completed a very thorough review that included references to all the points made by the many objectors. The main reasons for the recommendation were:
failure to consider detrimental impacts on wildlife and biodiversity, 
adverse affect on residential amenity,
failure to demonstrate proposal would not have detrimental impact on highway safety,
failure to demonstrate that the access track to the junction with A43 could accommodate the proposed development.
Councillors can accept or reject this recommendation and their decision will be made at the meeting of the Development Strategy Committeenext Wednesday, 24th at 7pm in the council chamber in Thrapston. A couple of us will have the opportunity of addressing the committee and others will be there to support. Do come along if you can - the public gallery holds 50 people.

Less good news about Forest Holidays proposal for 70 cabins in Fineshade Wood itself.
Last week FH withdrew their previous application, but relief was short lived when it became clear that they were going to simply re-submit it with a slight change. They have to provide what is termed a "Mitigation and Enhancement Area" to compensate for the habitat that will be lost by their development. It was pointed out to them (by the Woodland Trust) that the small area they originally proposed was in fact designated as Ancient Woodland, so they decided to nominate a different area of just 6.6 hectares where they will carry out coppicing work. 

This change required them to start a completely new application process. They have resubmitted almost all their previous documents - the area they wish to develop and their access route remains unchanged. The only changes we can find to their plans are detailed below. Unfortunately all the 200 or so objections to the previous planning application will not be considered by the council unless they are resubmitted.  So please resubmit your objection now - probably the only thing you need to change is the planning application number. It is now 14/01704/FUL. The closing date for objections is 8th October.

Yes, this is a nuisance! One wonders whether it is a ploy to reduce the number of objections? We are determined to do all we can to ensure that there are even more objections this time around - so please can you help by enlisting others to send an objection too? Do forward this email to whoever may be prepared to help. This is probably very important indeed.

Thank you once again 
Barrie and Tricia Galpin
On behalf of a group of Fineshade residents

Please also sign and share the petition "Forest Privatisation by the back door" .

15 Top Lodge, Fineshade, Corby. NN17 3BB

1)  How to object

The new reference number for the application is 14/01704/FUL and it can be found online at 
Objections can be made online, or simply emailed to
Or by letter to Planning comments, East Northamptonshire Council, Cedar Drive, Thrapston NN14 4LZ. 

All comments must include your name and address and the reference 14/01704/FUL. The consultation period ends on 8th October.
We suggest you also put very clearly at the top: Objection

2)  What's new this time?

a) The new total application area is now  46.2 ha = 114 acres.

b)  Forest Holidays Surveyors have now found evidence of the presence of Dormice in Fineshade Wood (European-level protected species).  However, they have not carried out a proper survey to find out exactly where they are. One potential area is acknowledged to be where the new access road will be cut through the wood from the carpark. Another is where the large maintenance building will be.

c)  Forest Holidays have suggested that Duddington Lane can be used in the event of an emergency  - if it can be used for emergency vehicles it offers an alternative to the proposed main access route which is overused. 

d) 6.6 hectares of already regenerating broadleaved woodland has been set aside for Mitigation and Enhancement.  This is far too small to compensate for what will be lost since it will be impossible to provide the rich mix of habitats of a suitable size.

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