Iceland - 4th - 8th March 2022

Sunday, 4 August 2013

Ringing at Stortons GP


Ringing sessions at Stortons Gravel Pits this year have been consistently good for both numbers and variety of birds in this aquatic and marginal habitat.  This morning the ringers on-site managed to catch 107 birds prior to the late morning downpour which halted proceedings.  Perhaps one of the more interesting birds was a Sedge Warbler bearing a French ring -  hopefully we will receive news soon of its recorded movements (although there is frequently a delay in obtaining the information from foreign databases).

Subtle but positive habitat changes at Stortons GP over the years now ensure there is plenty of phragmites reed growing both in banks and scattered about, and scrub is regenerating around the edges.  Certainly there is now a very healthy Reed Warbler population both breeding and moving through these old gravel pits, with smaller numbers of Sedge Warbler and several pairs of Cetti's Warblers present too.  This small reed-bed habitat mirrors similar large projects around the country, providing stepping stones for avian wildlife.


Neil M                                                                                                                                                  

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